Sunday, October 2, 2016

What Do I Know?

When good friends share crises and devastating circumstances and heartfelt worries, I am often at a loss for words.  I've learned in my many years of life that trite sayings provide little comfort and assurance, and it's better to keep silent and start praying than to spout off words just for the sake of filling the silence (for those of you who have known me before I learned this---I am sorry that I didn't know this earlier!).  My really good friends know me well enough now that I sometimes need 1-2 weeks of praying and thinking to have any type of meaningful response. 
So how do I respond after those 1-2 weeks?  Much of what some of my friends are facing are circumstances that I've never had to deal with.  But I have had different crises and devastating circumstances over the years.  And the way my mind works, I return to what I know---and this is what I can share:  
What do I know?  I know that God never promised us that life would be perfect and that everyone we love would live as long as we want them to.  He has told us in His Word that our trials help us grow.  That the process of walking through these "fires" (with Him never leaving our side) serves to refine us--like precious metals. I know that even when we can't feel the presence of God, He indeed continues to walk with us through all the paths He allows us to experience.  I know that God is our refuge and strength in trouble.  He gives strength to the weary. I know that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted.  I know that praising God "in the storm" has a healing effect.  I know that as we draw near to God, He promises to draw near to us.  I know that spending time with a community of believers who encourage and show grace and know how to love on us is necessary and invaluable.
And I've learned that God's Word can be a healing balm.  He loves us more than we can ever imagine.  His Word is a treasure.  I promised some friends today that I would share some comforting passages to read and meditate on.  Two main Scriptures to start with (for what I know these friends are experiencing and feeling) are Psalm 34 and Psalm 91.   I like the New Living Translation, and you can read these at (in any translation you prefer!). Some good verses to commit to memory are Psalm 42:5 , Psalm 9:9-10, Pslam 61:1-3, and Psalm 121.
Do we look to the mountains for our help?  No!  Our help comes from the Lord--maker of heaven and earth.  He calls us to lay down our burdens--He will carry us.  And when you come out on the other side of the path that you are currently on, you will be able to look back and see the "God moments" and know that He was with you all along.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Concerns About Some Trending Thoughts . . . .

Have you ever seen or heard someone heading in the wrong direction, and you just want to say, "Stop! That's the wrong way!  You won't get to where you want to go by continuing on that road!"  Well, I've been thinking this way for a while whenever I hear reporters interview people and people writing in blogs and facebook posts about "believing in yourself."  "The key is just believing in yourself!" they say.  As if believing in yourself can make anything happen and your dreams come true.  No, no, no!!!

But I digress----I've wanted to write about this for weeks and months, but I was thinking some may think I'm angry and yelling.  I was thinking that maybe I should approach this the way one of my favorite Bible Study teachers, Beth Moore, approaches the people she teaches:

DEAR ONE (please know I mean this---dear one---I want you to know that you are loved, and I want you to know that I'm pointing this out because I believe it's a lie, and I don't want you to believe a lie!  I want to point you to truth!)  How can "believing in yourself" solve anything or make anything happen?  If I "believe in myself," can I make all of my children's struggles disappear?  To me, that's like the "think system" toted in the "The Music Man" movie---DEAR ONES, if the "think system" really worked, we could think the Minuet in G and play it perfectly!  If the "think system" worked, I would "think" my house clean, and the clutter and dust would disappear!

Even though I've heard many athletes tell reporters, "I just believed in myself . . . ."  It's not true!  The Olympic Athletes and others (like the BMX biker I heard say this) put a whole lot of time and practice and self-discipline and effort into training for their events.

Goals are good, self-discipline and hard work are good and necessary to make things happen.  But I can also tell you from experience that we can work hard and make our plans (and they can be good and God-honoring), but it really is true, as Proverbs 16:9 says, that "the Lord determines our steps."  I can't tell you how many times in my life I have made plans and then something unexpected and unavoidable happens, and throws all of the plans to the wind.  I've learned that I should remember to pray each morning, "Lord, order my day, please---guide and direct my steps."  When I do remember to do that, the interruptions and unexpected visits and events that happen do not bother me---because I remember my prayer, and I see these as God-appointed interruptions.

DEAR ONE, our Creator loves us and wants to spend time with us.  His plans for us are good.  He made us in His image, for the purpose of showing others who He is---how much He loves us.  That is our ultimate calling.  Following Jesus.  Jesus spent a whole lot of time connecting with His Father (God), who loved Him and had a purpose for His time on earth. How much time are we spending connecting with God--reading His Word and talking to Him and listening?  Looking to Him to guide our thoughts and our path?  To remind us of the purpose He created us for "such a time as this"?