Scott's been researching some of his family history (ancestral heritage), and he sometimes goes to area cemeteries to search out the gravestones of his ancestors. He just discovered some new information the other evening, and we took a detour on our way to his mom's house this morning. What a beautiful setting! We only found one headstone (only one out of the two for which we were looking), but we had to leave and get up to his mom's house, so that we could get the potatoes boiling for our mashed potatoes! (We had the "That's a Bowl" container of peeled and cut potatoes in the trunk of our car.) Scott says he'll go back to the cemetery another time, when he doesn't feel rushed. I don't know that he'll find what he's looking for, though. Many of these headstones/markers are very old and not made of marble, and any writing that may have been there at one time is no longer visible!
Joel and Abby said that they felt like we were on a "leg" of that "Amazing Race" show . . . looking for three gravestones in a sizable cemetery---pressed for time, and not being successful! (At least we didn't have an emotional meltdown like some of those contestants do, although the kids pointed out that we were also well-rested, not travel-weary, and not trying to win a million dollars!)